May 6 – 10, 2024 – Tarragona, SPAIN

KA122-ADU – Short-term projects for the mobility of adult learners and staff in the adult education sector – implementation of the first phase of the project.

Project number 2023-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000144523

Representatives of our Foundation went to Tarragona, Spain, to participate in the training “ICT Skills for Educators”, which lasted five days and is financed by the Erasmus Plus Program.

We started the course by expressing our expectations and then we learned about new working methods related to modern technologies. Practical workshops filled our day! We learned how to prepare attention-grabbing quizzes. Moreover, we deepened our knowledge about cooperation in virtual spaces, using project management software.

Erasmus Plus courses have much more value than just the opportunity to acquire new skills and competences. We are grateful for the opportunity to travel and experience local culture, architecture and cuisine first-hand. It is also worth mentioning the people we meet along the way. Local educators and residents teach us more about diversity and different worldviews wherever we go.

December 2024 – WISMAR, GERMANY

Meeting of the Foundation Board, which was held at the University of Wismar in early December 2023. The meeting focused on detailed discussions on jointly planned projects for 2024.

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